1. Welcome and introductions
2. Background to course development
3. Outline of course components
3. Module 1
4. Process for interaction and feedback to Nirmita
5. Next steps
6. AOB
G: People found course on IG not appropriate to PwD
F: Follow up - what comes after / avenues of interaction?
G: First bit - general background on PwD matters. Important. So that people outside can acclimatize. But not overdone to people who already know this stuff tune out.
F: Include resources so that IG school organizers can easily add modules to their events
J: Intersectionality with other groups eg Youth, Education SGs. Create map?
G: Nirmita edited book on disability. Needs to get up to speed with IG.
G: Timing? Meet after each module.
J: So workshop needs to be organized asap.
F: need a Doc on Approach, bones of 1st module before.
F: DC-SIG, GIGANET, facilitators of ISOC Learn IG course.
G: This is syllabus. Format and funding of actual still tbd.
F: Corporate. Meta - might be interested. F can reach out
J: Webinar - clear set of questions.
F: what was missing from ISOC IG module?
F: what do people need to help them teach.
J: Scope needs to be defined. What this is not. e.g. policy issues not actual accessibility of IG meetings.
F: Google doc, Approach. Scope. next steps.
Aim for around Jan 8 for webinar.
Next call should be when N. can attend.
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