4th Meeting held on 24-March-2024

From Internet Society Accessibility Standing Group

4th EC held on 24-March-2024


  • Dr. Praveen Misra - Chairperson Accessibility Standing Group
  • Dr Ashutosh Pathak - Vice Chair Accessibility Standing Group
  • Diná Santana Santos - Vice Chair Accessibility Standing Group

Apologies - Nancy Marangu - Secretary Accessibility Standing Group

  • The minutes of the 3rd EC meeting have been approved by the Chair.
  • It was discussed that the communication regarding the extended leadership team formation needs to be expedited.
  1. VC(AS) to send e-mail to the already shortlisted candidates for different positions asking for their consent to be part of the leadership team
  2. VC(DS) to prepare google form and add the details already decided for EC to review and finalise in the next few days.
  3. VC(DS) will create a telegram group for social media outreach team and add Secretary to it. Once confirmation comes from the other member, he too will be added.
  • Once the social media team finalises any action or content, approval of the EC would be taken by VC(DS) before it is acted upon.
  • The social media policy of Internet Society available at https://assets.internetsociety.org/guidelines/guide/84cb806a-1844-46a2-aa00-1459bd1f0e70/page/047111a2-4cc0-4db0-b64f-ab22da13292d needs to be studied for clarity.
  • Draft Agenda for the webinar / first general meeting of the ASG members to be held in April 2024 is to be finalised at the earliest.Chair to share the same for EC consideration and inputs.
  • More frequent communication and update by EC members is desired on the EC whatsapp group for quicker implementations.
  • A whatsapp group for ASG leadership needs to be created
  • The meeting ended with a vote of thanks